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Unlock your full career potential

Reprogram the patterns holding you back

Your subconscious mind is running your career!

Is it helping or hurting you?

By the age of five, your subconscious mind has already formed the behavioral patterns that influence your decision-making, interpersonal interactions, and approach to conflict. While these patterns may have helped you survive in childhood, they could now be hindering your career growth, leadership potential, ability to secure promotions, and the quality of both personal and professional relationships.

The hidden patterns that may be sabotaging your success

Your personality ‘operating system’ was built by your subconscious mind to ensure your survival, not for success. As a result, you may be engaging in behaviours that are holding you back in your corporate career without actually realising it!


How your operating systems formed


Regardless of how amazing your parents were, you will still have created an operating system that has formed your personality as an adult, and this may be very different to how your siblings who grew up in the same environment chose to manage their childhood. 


For example: Say your parents were very accomplished and wanted to see their 3 children do well. Their children may have chosen to approach this in different ways:


Hyper Achiever - One child worked really hard to try to please them and to live up to their standards in all areas of their life, constantly looking for their approval and praise.


Stickler - Another child strived to be perfect in whatever they did and create order in their world - they may have focussed on a particular subject, such as a sport or musical instrument, and become highly talented in it.


Restless - The 3rd child may have felt they couldn’t live up to their expectations, so they avoided the route their parents, and maybe their older siblings took and were constantly trying new things, maybe moving from one hobby to the next and never really becoming accomplished in anything.


Same parents, same environment, 3 very different personalities created.

Children Playing in Circle
Discussion and color palette selection

It's not all bad news - natural strengths are there too!

For the 3 personality types mentioned above, the natural strengths are:


Hyper Achiever - Goal-focused, achievement-oriented, pragmatic, self-motivated, pushes towards continuous growth and achievement.


Stickler - Organised, committed to high-quality standards, self-disciplined and have strong guiding principles.


Restless - High energy, vitality, open to new experiences and live life fully by trying lots of new things.


These natural abilities will have shaped who you became as an adult and the profession you chose to fund your lifestyle with.

Stress can cause your personality to go out of balance

Where something was once a strength, and the reason you excelled so well at school or your job, when it is out of balance those tendencies could be impacting your performance at work and how you manage your personal life, relationships and how you raise your own children.


Hyper Achiever - becomes unhealthy when self-love, worth and acceptance become conditioned on achievement. Obsessive and anxiety-based chasing of the next achievement, and can lead to workaholic tendencies


Stickler - constantly anxious and stressed trying to make everything perfect and organised. Their guiding principles become rigid rules that make it hard to adapt and change. 


Restless - you can’t enjoy the current moment, you need to shift to the next thing and the next thing. You constantly need new stimulation but you never feel satisfied or fulfilled 



Sitting on a Rock

Bringing you back into balance

​​Get ready to find your perfect balance! Awareness is the exciting first step.


Together, we’ll dive into engaging discussions to uncover which of the 9 traits are defining your personality, pinpoint how out of balance they are and get clear on how they’re affecting your life.


I’ll then craft a dynamic program just for you, reprogramming your mindset and equipping you with powerful tools to support your amazing transformation!


Book a call and let's get started!

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